Saturday, October 24, 2009

Biking Hvar

Hvar is the ritsy island having celebrity-worthy clubs and restaurants in Hvar town. We spotted no celebrities but it was a glamorous place. We bought some of this cheese on a lunch break on the island and it was delicious. The photo really doesn't go with the rest but I liked it represents the availability of homemade, locally grown products everywhere we went on the islands.

Our elegant hotel sat above the water and every night we had cocktails before dinner on the deck, recapping the days travails and achievements. In the morning we again gathered here to be briefed on our day's route. The view is out to Croatia's president's home (away from the capitol).

One night on Hvar, we had cooking lessons at the home of Magrit. According to Matej, Magrit cooks for the president when he stays at his island home (which we could see out of our hotel bedroom window). Besides homemade grappa which we drank pretty much everywhere and home we visited, we had seafood risotto that our group helped (in the loosest sense) make.

Taking a break from biking to visit a fishing net maker and repairer. Just behind the village's medieval church and fortress was this man hard at work on his nets. We visited and he was pleased to be the center of our attention and admiration.

On our last ride, Marko prepared a picnic of traditional Croatia foods.

Hotel Podstine

Cooking lessons at Magrit's

Village fishing net maker/repairer

Traditional Croatian picnic

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